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After School Drop In and Create

Wednesday 11 Oct at 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Drop into the Digital Studio after school to get digital and creative.

Image of a young man with headphones sitting in front of a microphone and computer
After School Drop In and Create
11 Oct 2023
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Digital Studio,
Yarrila Place,
27 Gordon, Street,
Coffs Harbour
Bookings essential

Begin your own creative project and access the green screen, digital recording booth, editing equipment and get support and inspiration.

Bring your own project or learn new skills in this weekly, creative, drop-in session at the Digital Studio.

Learn how to make your own films, podcasts, 3D or AR development and get the latest tips and tricks to get your creative project to the next level.

Bring your own content or media capturing devices like DSLR Cameras or Smart Phones or you can use Digital Studio equipment.